Friday, October 14, 2011

Countdown (2011)

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

TEN things you wish you could say to ten different people right now:

1 . I just want you to be okay so that I can move on with my life, I can't worry about you anymore.
2 . I am so proud of the person you have become, you are a better version of yourself. I would be completely lost without you in my life.
3 . It's ridiculous how much I feel the need to be around you. You are like a magnet pulling me to you.
4 . I want to make you proud. I wish we got along better.
5 . Karma.
6 . I hope you are always in my life.
7 . Remember those nights at the bay?
8 . I only want the best for you. I am sorry I haven't been the best person to you. I love you more than anything.
9 . I am so grateful that you came into my life. You are the person I want to become.
10 . Thank you for making an effort.

NINE things about yourself :

1 . I am very pale.
2 . I love Indie music.
3 . I have NO tolerance for people that do drugs. You're not welcome in my life if you do.
4 . Writing is my escape.
5 . I'm deathly afraid of moths. (Not kidding)
6 . I love my job.
7 . There's not enough time for me to do all of the things I need to do.
8 . I am confident with the type of person I am, but self-conscious about my appearance.
9 . I only sing when I'm happy.

EIGHT ways to win your heart , in no particular order :

1 . Have a great sense of humor.
2 . The little things matter the most.
3 . Be a devoted Christian.
4 . Have direction.
5 . Sing to me.
6 . Prove that you're worth my time.
7 . Have strong family values.
8 . And being tall, dark, and handsome doesn't hurt. :)

SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot, in no particular order :

1 . Worry for my Mom.
2 . Moving out.
3 . Work.
4 . Love.
5 . The future.
6 . Family.
7 . Friends.

SIX things you do before you fall asleep :

1 . Wash my face.
2 . Brush my teeth.
3 . Internet.
4 . Write a blog or write parts of my book.
5 . Watch TV.
6 . Set my alarm.

FIVE people who mean a lot to you :

1 . Jazmine.
2 . Sidd.
3 . Alex.
4 . Rochelle.
5 . Family.

FOUR things you’re wearing right now :

1 . Pajama bottoms.
2 . Tank top.
3 . Glasses.
4 . Ring.

THREE songs that you listen to often :

1 . "Between the Lines" by Sara Bareilles.
2 . "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster the People.
3 . "Lost" by Coldplay.

TWO things you want to do before you die :

1 . Be successful.
2 . Get married and have children.

ONE confession :

1 . I push people away, even when I need them.

TRUTHS as of this moment in your life :::

1 . Truthfully I need to be more respectful and responsible.
2 . Truthfully When I fall in love, I fall hard.
3 . Truthfully I am too emotionally damaged to feel anything other than numb when I am hurt.
4 . Truthfully I wish my Mom would understand where I am coming from.
5 . Truthfully I'm not ready to settle down.
6 . Truthfully I am so grateful.
7 . Truthfully I am much more mature than others my age.
8 . Truthfully If you lose my trust, it will take a long time to regain it.

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